TIBA is has been among the model organization in formation of hubs and transform community existing
hubs in to development and gender hubs, evidently has been through implementation of phase 1 of
SWB program with 4 dialogues and 1 session with Male and female champions that aimed at engaging
men and boys in WPVE as an agency of women and peace building agenda. The designed Work plan
focused on Dunda and Magomeni Wards Bagamoyo district, the plan was implemented through
Dialogues at the male hubs including Community coffee hubs and youth hubs. TIBA conducted a total of
4 Dialogues that reached 159 beneficiaries evidently with attached registration forms, participants were
from different groups including economic groups such as kijiwe cha wachuzi at the beach, coffee hubs,
example dialogue with Youth at Dunda was conducted at beachboys hub, Youth dialogue at Magomeni
was conducted at a coffee hub that also included youth from interreligious reconciliation committee,
coffee hub dialogue at Dunda were conducted in 2 groups that at the community cinema hall and
elderly coffee hubs '' a place where elders meet and talk every evening. Participation of local
government leaders in each dialogue for project ownership and community coordination; identification
of 16 champions who developed actions plans and participated in road show added value and
TIBA developed community peace hubs(gender advisory committee) that involved women peace
champions , women leaders from community groups such viccoba ,association such as women fishers
,LGA and peace committee from previous intervention and Women local leaders and SWB Bagamoyo
members, the main goal of the hub is voice out on women participation in GBV and PVE at all level and
platform ; The hubs (advisory committee ) that have a structure which include hub leaders and
members, and a guiding manual that will be used win running the hub, with main focus on advising
,advocating and create awareness at on gender equality in all intervention, Sustainability of hubs include
community ownership, leadership and Mentorship program from SWB and TIBA quarterly monitoring
,Additionally the project will contribute implementation of NPA-VAWC – Thematic area number 3 “Safe
Environment” issue number 2,UNSC Resolution number 1325 – “Women and Peace and Security”Beijing
critical area 4 “Women and armed conflict” ,SDG Number 5 – “Gender Equality” and number 16 –
“Peace and Justice Strong Institutions”