TH February marks the international day of zero tolerance for female genital mutilation which comprises of
all procedures that involve altering or injuring the female genital for non-medical reasons and this act is
recognized internationally as a violation of the human right.
Female genital mutilation is a universal problem that continues to persist in many communities such as
Africa, Latin America, New Zealand and so forth. Reports are showing that in 2023 alone there are 4.32
million girls around the world who are at risk of undergoing FGM, hence around 1 in 4 girls and women are
experiencing female genital mutilation so 52million girls worldwide experience this act too.
This act has been degrading the value of girls and women over the years there are so many consequences
that are coming with female genital mutilation both physically and mentally considering the fact that about
200milion girls and women globally are victim such consequences might be birth complication, excessive
bleeding, shock, infections, and problems in sexual reproductive health and mental health.
UN General Secretary Antonio Gutteres once said that ‘I call on men and boys everywhere to join me in
speaking out and stepping forward to end Female genital mutilation for benefit of all’ .Men and boys might
be religious leaders, traditional leaders, health workers, law enforcers, members of civil society
organization, through partnership with men and boys their voices and actions can transform social and
gender norms that have been denying the rights and potential of girls and women.
We can work together to end this problem that have been affecting girls and women for a long time .TIBA
works with men and boys through community hub known as coffee hubs where men share their voice to
change the narrative that undermines the ability of girls and support them so as to bring the equality that
can promote health, education, income, and equality.
TIBA will have no tolerance when it comes to female genital mutilation and the fight to end this norms
continues, every community stakeholders and the government should push the campaigns that will
eliminate this problem and save the lives and health of a girl child.