In January 30th 2023 , TIBA coordinated dialogue with men at community coffee hub in Mbuyuni street
Makumbusho , Kinondoni Municipal that aimed at empowering, and documenting men’s voice as agency
of change in bridging gender equality,the dialogue carried a theme ‘’ role of men in ending Gender Based
Violence at family level. coffee hubs is the approach that TIBA has been using to provide education to men and
boys about the issues of sexual violence against women and children that t has brough a remarkbly change within
the community ;During this Kijiwe season ,a total number of 45 men participated and discussed about their role to
end GBV within their family .Number of issues were raised such as men are leaders hence they have a bigger role
to play to end GBV,and further said that currently reported GBV cased are increasing as men are not playing their
roles as fathers,uncles etc additionally Men shared common challenges that are happening in the world today,
there have been many factors that accelerates all the violence that keeps happening, media has been
reporting the data on daily basis so as we can take action, as the leaders of the household they have huge
responsibility to ensure that they use different measures to eliminate this from family level.
Men are motivated to bring the change and protect children against gender based violence. Mohamed Ally
is 45 a father of two and a member of Mbuyuni coffee hub had something to say ‘positive parenting so as to
influence good communication between parents and children so as to support them in case of any abuse
that can occur above all teaching them about self-defense and stranger danger theory can help children
protect themselves while at school or even at home in the absence of parents.’
Positive influence from parents can help in eliminating the cases of gender based violence from family
level, children needs positive role models and in this case men play major big roles as the protector of the
family, members suggested creating discipline models and teach about religious ways to the children
creates a community with good morals because most of the violence we see today comes from people who
have bad morals .
TIBA has been doing Kijiwe cha kahawa for 5years now reaching out to men and boys in different coastal
regions of Dar es salaam and Bagamoyo.