International women’s day is the global holiday celebrated annually on March 8, as a focal point in the women’s rights
movement, bringing attention different issues related to women that affect them on daily basis whether socially,
economically , psychologically you name it ,such issues may include gender equality, reproductive rights and
violence against women.
TIBA advocate for women empowerment and gender equality through various activities such as capacity building,
advocacy and the use of media.
Women in agriculture specifically in Tanzania have been experiencing different challenges while they are doing their
activities, lack of important skills to boost their profit and market, climatic challenges, and so forth on days like this it’s
where women celebrate themselves for who they are and what they do. This year is no different because TIBA has
commemorate International women’s day with 10 the beneficiaries of kijiwe cha kahawa ‘small women
farmers/vegetable vendors in urban’ ’project from Ubungo and Kinondoni municipal.
The project is aiming at improving the livelihood of women while overcoming their challenges in the process
during women’s day TIBA decided to rent a tent to the organizers with the aim was to provide a room for
our beneficiaries to sell their product and interact with other women entrepreneur from different parts of the
region learn from each other and being creative while doing it. The event was organized in regional level
hence women from all municipal had an opportunity to bring their products, services and advertisement of
their business.
This year theme based on Innovation and technology for gender equality .Technology is very crucial in this time
and age and women have been lagging behind for so many years especially in using it during their economic
activities while the fact is our daily activities such as making a call to a friend, money transaction and accessing
entertainment depends on technology, it is very important to apply a little bit of innovation in every activity one’s do
and there are many innovative ways used to easier every activities that once occupied either too much energy or
While introducing the project TIBA were able to identify that about 88% of 50 beneficiary they do not apply any
innovative way to improve their performance and profit of their business , that has affected their marketing , and
sustainability in general .TIBA will develop one stop center digital space for women who are the beneficiaries of this
project to use as they can monitor their business in a safer, easier and digital way rather than using traditional ways
in selling their vegetables or renting their farm.
Major achievement from women’s after participating in this year’s commemoration was selling their product at a very
short period of time with high price, the women realized that they need to be linked in these opportunities more often
but due to the lack of association it becomes hard for them to get the chance to sell their product, the tents are
affordable and lack of association becomes even hard to reach the target.
TIBA with collaboration with other stakeholders will ensure that they support women farmers/ vendors to create and
register groups so as they can access government loan that can help them while doing their business, one of the
major challenges that they face is low profit, hence it create many limitations to them and opportunities to grab .They
deserve to be supported and empowered so as they can reach their full potential and improve their lives.