Dear reader,
The idea of women being independent economically,has been growing lately in most African communities
but it is safe to say that a woman who is the boss, who can run a business and succeeded a woman who
is the leader, all this is still a threat to most men in our community.In Tanzania women have been raising
the bar in all areas of life politics included in our community, when you talk about politics it’s a ruthless path
for a woman to take.
Over the years women are raised as family care taker stretching her wings to reach financial freedom it
requires a lot of support from peers, family and men to reach the prime of excellence just because it is a
woman .It is a different story from men who have been climbing economic and political ladder without
people blinking their eyes, this is why we want to dive more into this topic and gather different from men of
kijiwe cha kahawa.
TIBA hosted a dialogue at Minazini makumbusho to have a discussion with men so as they can share their
opinion about their position as men in supporting women in realizing economic freedom and their
participation in political positions. Is it true that women depend on men's support for them to succeed? or
it’s just a mindset that our community has in order to deny the women the chance to fulfill their potential.
Men shared their perspective and belief regarding their support in realizing economic empowerment and
women participation in political positions .During the discussion 75% of men have agreed that they are the
major decision makers in the family, and the play a major role in supporting women especially by giving
them seed fund so as they can start business of their choices so as they can improve the livelihood of their
families .
Most men have declared that they do support their women in achieving economic independency because
life has changed and there are a lot of demands to fulfill so when a woman is allowed to contribute and
save the day in the family it easier the hardness of life , also in the matter of politics women are natural
born leaders the fact that they can raise a family and perform other activities proves that they can take
positions in politics as well.
However the men from kijiwe cha kahawa has shared their concerns about women who are more
successful than their husbands in most cases they have facing challenges in balancing both work and
family matters something that has created a lot of chaos within the family this attitude has led to lack of
support from the men because they are afraid that they will lose their family .
We can all agree that women are as capable as men in performing economic and society duties we have
seen strong , brave women in different sectors politics included who are moving mountains in raising the
economy of the nation and that of their families , hence it is our duty as a community both men and women
to support each other and realize our dreams together , raise families together without pointing fingers ,
above all we should not deny women’s right in taking leadership positions just because of their gender and
not their abilities , those times of women staying at home and wait for instructions from men are gone and
dusted it’s a new day where men and women can sit at the table and make decisions together .