Sexual and reproductive Health education has been a tough topic for many parents in many African
households, it’s not something that parents prefer to talk about .We are excited to kick off the next month
with powerful stories from KIJIWE CHA KAHAWA, and today our topic is more of a question, ‘DO MEN
Recent reports are showing that 25 students get pregnant every day both in secondary and primary
schools. There are many impact of teen pregnancy such as dropping out from school system, psychological
problems, social stigma, labor complications that may led to death the list could go on. If youth lack the
right information from home that can enable them escape from all of the above we are creating a
community where a future of a girl can vanish anytime.
Men are catalyst of change in their families, and we want to include them in this journey of eliminating
challenges that are facing youth due to lack of knowledge and information about sexual and reproductive
health .from Kijiwe cha kahawa men share stories, challenges, thoughts, beliefs and perception to the topic
the major aim is making change in their families and community at large.
In 2023, TIBA aims to put efforts in raising awareness about gender based violence, above all we are
looking forward to increase men and boys engagement in our discussions, so as to make this group at the
center of our interventions .
In February 28, TIBA held it’s second program at Tandale kwa tumbo in Kinondoni municipal where 39 men
and one local leader were able to attend during the program so as to ensure government presence and
permission but also to give him a platform to see the views from 17:00Hours till 18:00hours while sharing
coffee and snacks.
Everyone has different opinion when it comes to the issues that are involving children and effective
parenting that can influence good behavior for both boys and girls especially in their teenage, men have
been playing a major role in providing to the family except talking about the challenges that may happen to
their children as far as sexual and reproductive health is concerned .Men from kijiwe cha kahawa believes
that now days it’s even more challenging to talk to their children about SRH.
Men shared common challenges that are happening in the world today, there have been many factors that
accelerates teen pregnancy ,sexual violence that keeps happening within parents watch, aside from all the
challenges ,Men are motivated to bring the change and protect children above all provide them, with
enough and right information so that they can protect themselves
Juma Nassoro is 39 a father of two and a member of tandale kwa tumbo coffee hub he contributed his
ideas by saying ‘men should improve good communication to their children so as they can be open to open
up in case they have questions or curiosity learning from home is better than learning from their peers, we
should step in as men and support our partners in raising more awareness about SRH in our households’
We still have a duty as a community to be responsible in assisting youth to access the right information but
also enable them to get friendly services so as to reduce the number of teen pregnancy that has been
happening in our community on daily basis, but also to engage men in our journey because they are
important group in ending challenges that are associated with sexual and reproductive health and ensure
that we support youth to reach their full potential.